LET·S READ – Hemodynamic Monitoring :手术麻醉患者使用的监测 3-1

2022-12-21 0 204

原副标题:LET·S READ – Hemodynamic Monitoring :术后麻醉剂病人采用的监控 3-1


参照书刊:Hemodynamic Monitoring made Incredibly Visual !

LET·S READ – Hemodynamic Monitoring :手术麻醉患者使用的监测 3-1

Cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology术后解剖学生物学 I

Understanding the pulmonary system 介绍肺控制系统 (A)

The pulmonary system delivers oxygen to the bloodstream and removes excess carbon dioxide from the body. The alveoli are the gas-exchange units of the lungs. The lungs in a typical adult contain about 300 million alveoli.


LET·S READ – Hemodynamic Monitoring :手术麻醉患者使用的监测 3-1

LET·S READ – Hemodynamic Monitoring :手术麻醉患者使用的监测 3-1


Effective respiration requires gas exchange in the lungs (external respiration) and in the tissues (internal respiration). Three external respiration processes are needed to maintain adequate oxygenation and acid–base balance:

1. Ventilation (gas distribution into and out of the pulmonary airways)

2. Pulmonary perfusion (blood flow from the right side of the heart, through the pulmonary circulation, and into the left side of the heart)

3. Diffusion (gas movement from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration through a semipermeable membrane) Blood enters the pulmonary cap deoxygenated which has lower partial pressure of O2 in inhaled alveolar air


通气、肺灌注和扩散是 –


LET·S READ – Hemodynamic Monitoring :手术麻醉患者使用的监测 3-1

Ventilation 通气

Breathing, or ventilation, is the movement of air into and out of the respiratory system. During inspiration, the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract, causing the rib cage to expand and the volume of the thoracic cavity to increase. Air then rushes in to equalize the pressure. During expiration, the lungs passively recoil as the diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax, pushing air out of the lungs.


Pulmonary perfusion 肺灌注

Blood flow through the lungs is powered by the right ventricle. The right and left pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs. These arteries divide to form distal branches called arterioles, which terminate as a concentrated capillary network in the alveoli and alveolar sac, where gas exchange occurs.

Venules—the end branches of the pulmonary veins—collect oxygenated blood from the capillaries and transport it to larger vessels, which carry it to the pulmonary veins. The pulmonary veins enter the left side of the heart and distribute oxygenated blood throughout the body.


Diffusion 扩散

Blood in the pulmonary capillaries gains oxygen and loses carbon dioxide through the process of diffusion (gas exchange). In this process, oxygen and carbon dioxide move from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration through the pulmonary capillary, a semipermeable membrane. This illustration shows how the differences in gas concentration between blood in the pulmonary artery (deoxygenated blood from the right side of the heart) and alveolus make this process possible. Gas concentrations depicted in the pulmonary vein are the end result of gas exchange and represent the blood that is delivered to the left side of the heart and systemic circulation.


LET·S READ – Hemodynamic Monitoring

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