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Today,the editor brings you the knowledge of using flexsim software (38),
BOM提供了独立于内容 而与浏览器窗口进行交互的第一类;
What is BOM:
That is, BOM browser object model.
BOM provides objects that interact with browser windows independently of content;
As BOM is mainly used to manage the communication between windows, its core object is Window. (function)
Window is the built-in object of the browser, which contains the methods to operate the browser.
BOM is composed of a series of related objects, and each object provides many methods and attributes.
Lack of BOM standard, the standardization organization of JavaScript syntax is ECMA, the standardization organization of DOM is W3C, and BOM was originally a part of Netscape browser standard.
Browser operation
Get information about the browser (window size)
Operation browser jump page
Get the address bar information of the browser
Operate the scroll bar of the browser.
Understand the information of the browser (version of the browser)
And the alert/prompt/comfirm that we have contacted before.
Use of BOM
The two methods, innerWidth and innerHeight, get the width and height of the browser (including the scroll bar). window.innerWidth
Alert () popup layer.
Prompt () user input.
Confirm () Confirm to cancel.
After that, we will rarely use the pop-up layer, because it will block the execution of the code behind us. They are not styled either.
BOM的location第一类:location 是最有用的 BOM 第一类之一,提供了当前窗口中加载文档的信息,以及通常的导航所以我们将这个属性也称为 location 第一类。
Location object of BOM: location is one of the most useful BOM objects, which provides the information of documents loaded in the current window and the usual navigation functions. It is mainly about the acquisition and definition of browser url address related data. Window object provides us with a location property to get or set the URL of the form, and can be used to resolve the URL. Because this property returns an object, we also call this property location object.
采用特点:URLSearchParams() 构造器 创建并返回一个新的URLSearchParams 第一类。 开头的’?’ 字符会被忽略。
When we go to get the parameters in the address bar, we usually use location.search to get? And what follows the question mark.
(similar to “? name=lc&age=20”)。 In this way, if we want to get the real parameters in the address bar, we need to intercept the? Cut it off. But we have URLSearchParams now.
Features: The URLSearchParams () constructor creates and returns a new URLSearchParams object. The beginning? The character will be ignored.
Thatsit for todays sharing.
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I wish you a happy day today!