《国际性安全可靠》(International Security)刊登相关现代安全可靠难题的全面性明晰、历史文献详尽的该文。该文牵涉内战与维护和平的现代主轴,和安全可靠的新一代微观,主要包括自然环境、人口数、人道难题、跨行业互联网和新经济控制技术。40多年来,《国际性安全可靠》区分了英国北欧国家安全可靠经济政策的争辩,并为国际性安全可靠外交事务的科学研究制订了日程。2021年该学术期刊的负面影响胺基酸为7.179,在国际性关系的96种学术期刊中排名第一2。
Nowhere to Hide? Global Policing and the Politics of Extradition
Dangerous Changes: When Military Innovation Harms Combat Effectiveness
How Much Risk Should the United States Run in the South China Sea?
Small Satellites, Big Data: Uncovering the Invisible in Maritime Security
作者:Daniel Krcmaric,西北大学在政治上学副教授。
Global policing efforts go far beyond combatting terrorism. The United States has tracked down war criminals in the former Yugoslavia, prosecuted Mexican drug kingpins in U.S. courts, transferred a Congolese warlord to the International Criminal Court, and even invaded foreign countries to apprehend wanted suspects. Likewise, Chinese police and intelligence forces crisscross the globe engaging in surveillance, abductions, and forced repatriations. But global policing activities are hard to study because they tend to occur “in the shadows.” Extradition treaties—agreements that facilitate the formal surrender of wanted fugitives from one country to another—represent a unique part of the global policing architecture that is directly observable. An original dataset of every extradition treaty that the United States has signed since its independence shows that extradition cooperation is not an automatic response to the globalization of crime. Instead, it is an extension of geopolitical competition. Geopolitical concerns are crucial because many states try to weaponize extradition treaties to target their political opponents living abroad, not just common criminals. Future research should reconceptualize the role of individuals in international security because many governments believe that a single person—whether a dissident, a rebel, or a terrorist—can imperil their national security.
作者:Kendrick Kuo,英国海军内战学院助理教授。
Prevailing wisdom suggests that innovation dramatically enhances the effectiveness of a states armed forces. But self-defeating innovation is more likely to occur when a military services growing security commitments outstrip shrinking resources. This wide commitment-resource gap pressures the service to make desperate gambles on new capabilities to meet overly ambitious goals while cannibalizing traditional capabilities before beliefs about the effectiveness of new ones are justified. Doing so increases the chances that when wartime comes, the service will discover that the new capability cannot alone accomplish assigned missions, and that neglecting traditional capabilities produces vulnerabilities that the enemy can exploit. To probe this arguments causal logic, a case study examines British armor innovation in the interwar period and its impact on the British Armys poor performance in the North African campaign during World War II. The findings suggest that placing big bets on new capabilities comes with significant risks because what is lost in an innovation process may be as important as what is created. The perils of innovation deserve attention, not just its promises.
作者:M. Taylor Fravel,麻省理工学院在政治上学Arthur and Ruth Sloan教授;Charles L. Glaser,乔治华盛顿大学在政治上学与国际性外交事务教授。
How strenuously, and at what risk, should the United States resist Chinas efforts to dominate the South China Sea? An identification of three options along a continuum—from increased resistance to Chinas assertive policies on one end to a partial South China Sea retrenchment on the other, with current U.S. policy in the middle—captures the choices facing the United States. An analysis of Chinas claims and behavior in the South China Sea and of the threat that China poses to U.S. interests concludes that the United States best option is to maintain its current level of resistance to Chinas efforts to dominate the South China Sea. China has been cautious in pursuing its goals, which makes the risks of current policy acceptable. Because U.S. security interests are quite limited, a significantly firmer policy, which would generate an increased risk of a high-intensity war with China, is unwarranted. If future Chinas actions indicate its determination has significantly increased, the United State should, reluctantly, end its military resistance to Chinese pursuit of peacetime control of the South China Sea and adopt a policy of partial South China Sea retrenchment.
作者:Saadia M. Pekkanen,华盛顿大学国际性科学研究教授;Setsuko Aoki,庆应大学法学院法学教授;John Mittleman,英国海军科学研究实验室海洋领域意识高级顾问。
摘要:来自小卫星的数据正与高速度、大体量的计算分析迅速融合。“小卫星、大数据” (SSBD) 改变了决策者持续关注和应对一系列国际性安全可靠挑战的能力。对这些控制技术的分析表明了,它们如何通过对敌对或非法的海洋活动进行检测、分析和归类,为捍卫北欧国家利益和商业利益提供决策支持。如果这些新控制技术使海上活动难以隐匿,军方、执法部门和情报界将如何应对海上威胁?由此出现的相关海上活动的证据和北欧国家安全可靠、商业活动合法性等关切相互交织。对于各国事府和在海上安全可靠、可持续性和法治方面有既得利益的商业、学术和非政府部门而言,SSBD控制技术观测和定位不法行为的能力非常重要。但科学研究结果表明,仅靠透明度难以遏制不当行为,也难以改变强国的行为。
Data from small satellites are rapidly converging with high-speed, high-volume computational analytics. “Small satellites, big data” (SSBD) changes the ability of decision-makers to persistently see and address an array of international security challenges. An analysis of these technologies shows how they can support decisions to protect or advance national and commercial interests by detecting, attributing, and classifying harmful, hostile, or unlawful maritime activities. How might the military, law enforcement, and intelligence communities respond to maritime threats if these new technologies eliminate anonymity at sea? The emerging evidence presented on maritime activities is intertwined with national security (e.g., territorial and resource claims, sanctions violations, and terrorist attacks), legal and illicit businesses (e.g., illegal fishing, trafficking, and piracy), and other concerns (e.g., shipping and transit, chokepoints, and environmental damage). The ability of SSBD technologies to observe and catch wrongdoing is important for governments as well as the commercial, academic, and nongovernmental sectors that have vested interests in maritime security, sustainable oceans, and the rule of law at sea. But findings indicate that transparency alone is unlikely to deter misconduct or change the behavior of powerful states.
编译 | 胡富钦
审校 | 李博轩
排版 | 杨凌晶